On The River Route
On The River started on the top of Triple Divide Peak in Glacier National Park, MT. Here three oceans start: the Pacific, the Atlantic, and the Arctic. This is possible because Triple Divide Peak sits on two divides, the Continental Divide (dividing the watersheds that drain in the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean via the Gulf of Mexico) and the Laurentian Divide (dividing the watersheds that drain into the Atlantic Ocean via the Gulf of Mexico and the Arctic Ocean via the Hudson Bay). We followed the water 3,500 miles to the Atlantic Ocean via Cut Bank Creek, the Marias River, the Missouri River and the Mississippi River.
On The River's route map from Triple Divide Peak to the Gulf of Mexico.
From Triple Divide Peak we followed the snow melt, small creeks, and cold water springs eastward 3,500 miles to the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. We started on foot because the creeks of the headwaters were too small for canoes. Once it was wide enough we began canoeing. Along our route we stopped to share our story and the story of our river with students.
Triple Divide Peak is the start of the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean and the start of On The River.