Sara, Eli, and Kira travel to Ecuador to find frogs, learn frog lessons, and tell frog stories. Every frog is an adventure. Every frog has a story.

The Plan

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Our plan is simple, spend as much time as possible finding frogs. We will walk, crawl, wade, boat, and probably swim in our quest to find frogs.

The Frogs

Number of Frogs Found: 630

Number of Species Encountered: 60 (our current estimate)

The Point

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Humans are responsible for world wide amphibian declines, and now is the moment that we must rally for the frogs.

Follow the Frogs

Frog Stories

Meet the Frog Finding Team

Kira Miller

Kira is a biologist, backpacker, and outdoor enthusiast. She has worked with threatened and endangered amphibians from California’s Sierra Nevada mountains to the panhandle of Florida.

Eli Bieri

Eli is a Fulbright scholar and amphibian biologist. He has worked around the United States on amphibian research projects, including an initiative to protect migrating salamanders in Michigan.

Sara Dykman

Sara is the co-founder of Beyond A Book and the author of Bicycling with Butterflies. She has bike, walked, and canoed across North America. She loves frogs even more than ice cream (which she loves a lot).


Nenquerei Enomenga

Nenquere is an Waorani guide. He navigated our boat, negotiated our permit, taught us to climb trees, and helped us find frogs. He has guided multiple month long trips on multiple Amazonian rivers.


Nemoneya is a Waorani guide. She cooked on our trip and (with the help of her son, Pigemo) taught us a lot about Waorani culture. She also makes and sells traditional Waorani crafts.


Gonzalo is a Waorani guide. He drove the boat, fished for diner, and helped us find good spots to look for frogs.