Ever wondered what it would be like to follow the monarchs on their great migration?

Outdoor educator and field researcher Sara Dykman made history when she became the first person to bicycle along­side monarch butterflies on their multinational, multigenerational migration. Her goal was to tell the story of the monarch migration and help grow the team working to protect the threatened migration.

In Bicycling with Butterflies, Dykman recounts her 10,201 mile journey to follow the monarchs . We’re beside her as she nav­igates unmapped roads in Mexico, checks roadside milkweed for monarch eggs, and shares her passion with eager schoolchil­dren, skeptical bar patrons, and unimpressed border officials. We also meet some of the ardent monarch stewards who supported her efforts, from citizen scientists and research­ers to farmers and high-rise city dwellers.

With both humor and humility, Dykman offers a compelling story, confirming the urgency of saving the threatened monarch migration—and the other threatened systems of nature that affect the survival of us all.

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